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Ответ дал: Кининк
Jack was the football coach at an American college.He always tried to find hood football players for his team.Jack trained his players very well.
They were good at swimming,running,jumping,rowing,and playing different games.All Jack's players were tall strong men,excellent spotsmen,and just nice people.They often took part in races and practically always won.
The only trouble withsome of his football players was their poor knowledge.One day the coach brought an excellent young foorball players to the Professor of the college.The professor had to ask young player a few guestions.the prpfessor chose very easy guestions but the boy couldn't answer them.At last the professor asked:"Well,what five times seven?"
The student thought forba long time and then answered"Thirty-six."
The professor shook his head and looked at the coach."It's impossible"he said."I dont want to punish your team.I understand he can throw a ball very well but,alas,he doesn't know mathematics at all He cant be a student."
But the coach seriosly asked:"On,please,sir!Let him become a student.He was only wrong by two".

kalinaa2609: Спасибо, ты мне очень помог!
Кининк: Не за что,но я девочка:)
kalinaa2609: сорян)) я тоже))))
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