Помогите поставить глаголы в правильную форму (( Пожалуйста! 1) The weather .....(be) warm and sunny last month. 2) I'm afraid I can't help you. I ....(not/know) her e-mail. 3) Why .... the girl..... (cry)?-Let's ask her. 4) In his childhood he .... (like) reading books about great explorers. 5) Look! What a big fish Ben.....(catch)! Let's take a photo of Ben and his fish . 6) ...... you ever ..... (play) cricket? - No, never. 7) I think it..... (rain) in the evening. Don't forget to take your umbrella.


Ответ дал: Ebonite
1 was
2 dont
3 is crying
4 liked/loved
6have played
7 will rain/rains
Ответ дал: sellenity
1) was
2) don't know
3) why is the girl crying?
4) liked
5) catches(скорее всего caught/is catching)
6) have you ever played
7) it will rain
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