Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
4 Let's go to the ice - rink at the weekend.
You know I hate ice-skating.
But you 've only tired it once. Anyway, you love roller-skating. It's the same ting.
That's different.
5 Dad, Lucy has started having riding lessons. Will you let me go riding too?
Yes, I'd love to .
Well, I'll talk to your mother and, if she agrees, I'm sure we can arrange some lessons for you.
Thanks, Dad.
6 Did you know that Scott is going to ask Laura marry him?
Really? How do you know that?
I saw them to look at engagement rings in a jewellry shop.
Oh, that's interesting.
7 Are you looking for to going on holiday?
Yes, I'm busy planning my week.
I suggest visiting the museums and art galleries. They're fascinating.
That's a good idea. Actually, I wanted to ask you what the town is like before I decide what to do.
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