Open the brackets. Use third or mixed condition.
1. I would have given Susan her books if! (meet) her.
2. If she (not take) sleeping pills last night, she wouldn't be sleepy today.
3. If you had invited him, he (be) here now.
4. You (understand) the plot of the film if you had read the book.
5. Florence would be a famous actress if she (not enter) the musical college.
6. If they hadn't cross the road against the traffic lights, they (not get) in hospital.
7. If he (study) French, he would speak it fluently now.
8. There wouldn't have been a revolt if the government (not increase) the taxes.
9.I (come) immediately if you had called me.
10. Sarah would have recognized the man if she (see) his photo before. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА


Ответ дал: arnauldlionel23
1) i should have give Susan her books, if I had meet her.
2) If she had taken sleeping pills last night, she wouldn't be sleepy today.
3) If you had invited him, he would be there now.
4) You Would understand the plot of the film if you had read the book.
5)Florence would be a famous actress if she didn't enter the musical college.
6) if they hadn't cross the road against the traffic lights, they wouldn't get in hospital.
7) if he had studied French he would speak it fluently.
8) There wouldn't have a revolt if the government hadn't increase the taxes.
9) I would come immediately if you had called me.
10) Sarah would have recognize the man if she had seen his photo before.
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