Срочно пожалуйста умоляю !!!


skuter29042007d: Срочно плз


Ответ дал: AripovZ
первые предложения не пишу.
2. She can't dance. Can she dance? Yes, she can. No, she can't.
3. They can't jump. Can they jump? No, they can't. Yes, they can.
2. They aren't happy. Are they happy? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
3. He isn't sad. Is he sad? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
4. I'm not nine. Am I nine? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
2. They haven't got a doll. Have they got a doll? Yes, they have got. No, they haven't.
3. He hasn't got a teddy bear. Has he got a teddy bear? Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
4. We haven't got an umbrella. Have we got an umbrella? Yes, we have. No, we haven't.
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