Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова)
1) His (care/careful) is very pleasant.
Her aunt is a very (care/careful) woman.
2) The (rauny/rain) was very cold.
The weather was (rainy/rain) and cloudy.
3) We began (to translate/ translation) our text.
The (to translate/translation) of the text was not easy.
4) He (hoped/hope) to get a good mark.
His (hoped/hope) was unreal.
5) Ann plays the (pianist/piano) every day.
She is a good (pianist/piano).
6) Why does she (singer/sing) her songs every day?
She is going to be a famous (sing/singer)
7) Do you like to watch his (showman/show)?
Yes, I do. I think he is a good (showman/show).


Ответ дал: countingstars1998
1) care; careful
2) rain; rainy
3) to translate; translation
4) hoped; hope
5) piano; pianist
6) sing; singer
7) show; showman
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