английкий помогите пожалуйста срочнооооо!!! задать 2 вопроса к предложениям специальный вопрос и общий вопрос

1)Kat (to do) her home work now
2)They (to buy) already a new car
3)She (to study) English for five years
4) When he came home his mothe (to cook) dinner
5)His Friends (to go) a broad next year


Ответ дал: Book207
When Kate did her homework?
Did Kate do her homework now?
When they bought a new car?
Did they already buy a new car?
How long she have to studied in England?
Did she need to study in England for five years?
When did his mother cook the dinner?
Did his mother cook the dinner then he come ?
When did his friends go to a broad?
Did his friends go to a broad next year ?
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