Put the verb in brackets into the Present Passive.

The film............by Clint Eastwood. (direct)

Put the verb in brackets into the Present Passive.

The leading role............by Meryl Streep. (play)

Put the verb in brackets into the Present Passive.

The music
by Ennio Moricone. (write)

Put the verb in brackets into the Past Passive.

St Isaac's Cathedral ............ in Saint-Petersburg in 1818-1858. (build)

Put the verb in brackets into the Past Passive.

The Winter Palace............into museum after the October Revolution in 1917. (transform)

Put the verb in brackets into the Past Passive.

The stories about Sherlock Holmes............ into 43 languages. (translate)


Ответ дал: countingstars1998
is directed
is played
is written
was built
was transformed
were translated
Ответ дал: katyamils
The film.is directedby Clint Eastwood.
The leading role
is played by Meryl Streep.
The music
is written by Ennio Moricone.
St Isaac's Cathedral
was built in Saint-Petersburg in 1818-1858.
The Winter Palace
was transformed into museum after the October Revolution in 1917.
The stories about Sherlock Holmes
were translated into 43 languages.
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