Преобразовать предложения в косвенную речь.
1. “I have something to show you”, I said to her.
2. “We have moved into our new flat”, said my aunt.
3. My brother asked, “Who is going to live in the big house?”
4. “How long have you been here?”, said Ann.
5. He asked, “Who put salt in my coffee?”
6. “Open your bag, please”, said the store detective.
7. She said, “Don't argue with your father, Mary”.
8. He said, “How far is it?”
9. He asked her, “Come to the cinema with me”
10. “I'm going away tomorrow, mother”, he said.
11. “Follow that car”, the detective said to the taxi-driver.
12. She asked him, “Does your mother teach music?”
13. They said, “Is the food good in this restaurant?”
14. She said to her friend, “I don't know what your father will say.”
15. He said to his mother, “Did you see me in the shop yesterday?”
16. I asked him, “Whose car did you borrow last night?”
17. His mother said, “Don't forget your sandwiches”
18. One of the quests said, “Could you please give me a piece of cake?”
19. She said, “My father had a birthday yesterday. He was born on the 15th of October in 1955”.
20. “You have pressed the wrong button. The tape will not play”, said mother to her son.


Ответ дал: countingstars1998
1) I said to her I had something to show her.
2) My aunt said they had moved into their new flat.
3) My brother asked who was going to live in the big house.
4) Ann asked how long I had been there.
5) He asked who had put salt in her coffee.
6) The store detective said to open my bag.
7) She told Mary not to argue with her father.
8) He asked how far it was.
9) He asked her to come to the cinema with him.
10) He said to mother he was going away the following day.
11) The detective said to the taxi-driver to follow that car.
12) She asked him if his mother taught English.
13) They asked if the food was good in that restaurant.
14) She said to her friend that she didn’t know what his father would say.
15) He asked his mother if she had seen him in the shop the day before.
16) I asked him whose car he had borrowed the previous night.
17) His mother told him not to not to forget his sandwiches.
18) One of the guests asked if I could give him a piece of cake.
19) She said that her father had had a birthday the day before and that he was born on the 15th of October in 1955.
20) Mother said to her son that he had pressed the wrong button and that the tape would not play.
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