придумайте плиз 7 предложений с модальными глаголами.


Ответ дал: Карина23012004
Can you swim?

Would you play?

May I go?

I have to pay the bills because my wife is ill.

I must stop smoking. It’s really bad for my health. 

We must pay the taxes.

He has to tell her the truth.

Take an umbrella with you. It might be rain later.
We haven’t decided yet where to go for our holidays. We may go to Ireland.I
can’t find my purse anywhere.
Oh, I may have left it in the shop.
Ответ дал: Misshelp01
They can play baseball.
You can take my umbrella.
Can you make a cup of coffee for me?
Умение, предложение, просьба
BE ABLE TO They are able to play baseball. Умение
CAN'T Jerry can't be in the library now – I have just seen him on the street. Уверенность в том, что что-либо невозможно
She could recite long poems when she was younger.
Could you make a cup of coffee for me?
You could take my umbrella.
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