Вставьте some,any,no,many,much,a lot of.
1.We see ... people in the street.
2.Is there ... sugar in my coffee?
3.I can’t take ... books with me.
4.Give me ... tomatoes,please.
5.Are there ... wild animals in the zoo?
6.I don’t like ... butter in sandwiches.


Ответ дал: KaRcHaY
1. A lot of
2. Any
3. Much
4. Some
5. No
6. Many

Maksimka575: Спасибо огромное!!!!!
Ответ дал: Пинкусь
1 We see many people in the street.
2 Is there some sugar in my coffee.
3 I can't take a lot of books with me.
4 Give me any tomatoes,please.
5 Are there no wild animals in the zoo?
6 I don't like much butter in sandwiches
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