СРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ДАЮ 25 баллов.

Закончите предложения.
1) He ... qot four toys ( to have ).
2) It was the ( happy ) day in his life.
3) ... you ever ( to swim ) ih a river?
4) Two ( fireman ) save the children/
5) ... you ( to do ) your homework two days aqo?
6) My sister ( not to qo ) shoppinq ih 5 days.
7) He ( not to come ) _____ home ( yet ).
8) She ( to help ) her qrehdparenst next week.
9) The have told five ( story ) today.
10) She cleaned the ( three ) room yesterday.


Ответ дал: Kind23
Did you do
Will not go shopping
He hasn't come
Will help
Cleaned three rooms

Ответ дал: MypkaMypppp
) He ... qot four toys ( to have ). Has
2) It was the ( happy ) day in his life. The happiest
3) ... you ever ( to swim ) ih a river? Have, swim
4) Two ( fireman ) save the children/  firemen
5) ... you ( to do ) your homework two days aqo? Did
6) My sister ( not to qo ) shoppinq ih 5 days.   Don't went
7) He ( not to come ) _____ home ( yet ). He hasn't came 
8) She ( to help ) her qrehdparenst next week. She will help
9) The have told five ( story ) today. Stories
10) She cleaned the ( three ) room yesterday. three rooms

MypkaMypppp: firemen
MypkaMypppp: я ошиблась, сорян
MypkaMypppp: 9 - Stories
10 - three roomS
Kind23: 3)have you ever swum
MypkaMypppp: Ну? А я что написала?
MypkaMypppp: К тому же не swum, а swim
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