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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple или Past Perfect
6. I (to know) that he (not to learn) the poem
7. When they (to) the beach, the rain already (to start)
8. Arthur (not to know) that already (to arrive)
9. When I we (to come), I(to see) that mother (to cook) dinner
10. My friend (to study English before he (to enter) the institute
11. The car (to go) when I (to look) into the street
12. He (to take the decision before I (to come)
13. Nick (return) from office by seven o'clock.
14. We (to get) to the stadium at four o'clock but the game already (to start)
15. She (to come) at six o'clock
16. I (to think) that my parents already (to return)
17. He (to be sure) that we (not to recognize) him
18. You (to find) your key which you (to lose) before?
19. Meg (to say) that she (to be) in this city 20. The doctor (to arrive) when we already (to help) him


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
I knew that he hadn't learnt the poem.
When they went to the beach, the rain had already started.
Arthur didn't know that they had already arrived .
When I came, I saw that mother had cooked dinner.
My friend had studied English before he entered the institute.
The car had gone when I looked into the street.
He had taken the decision before I came.
Nick had returned from the office by seven o'clock.
We went to the stadium at four o'clock but the the game had already started.
She came at six o'clock.
I thought that my parents had already returned.
He was sure that we hadn't recognized him.
Did you find your key which you had lost before?
Meg said that she had been in this city .
The doctor had arrived when we had already helped him.
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