Английкий помогите пожалуйста срочнооооо!!! задать 2 вопроса к предложениям подлежащий и разделительный вопросы

1)Kat (to do) her home work now
2)They (to buy) already a new car
3)She (to study) English for five years
4) When he came home his mothe (to cook) dinner
5)His Friends (to go) a broad next year


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Kate is doing her homework now.
Who is doing her homework now?
Kate is doing her homework now, isn't she?
2 They have already bought a new car.
Who has been already bought a new car?
They have already bought a new car, haven't they?
3 She has been studying English for five years.
Who has been studying English for five years?
She has been studying English for five years, hasn't she?
4 When he came home his mother was cooking dinner.
Who was cooking dinner when he came home?
His mother was cooking dinner when he came home, wasn't she?
5 His friends will go abroad next year.
Who will go abroad next year?
His friends will go abroad next year, won't they?

danilmalavin: 1)Her parents (to give) presets last week
2)Children (to play) in the yead every evening реши еще это пжжж и ты будешь лучшая
danilmalavin: пжжж
parljukljuba: 1 her parents gave last week 2 children play in the yard every evening
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