Помогите с английским!Срочно!Прошу вас.Если будет правильно будет лучший ответ!!!



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Mike always goes to football training on Saturdays.
2 When I woke up yesterday morning it was raining.
3 We are having dinner with some friends tonight.
4 Don't worry about missing the film - I am downloading it at the moment.
5 Natasha was watching a documentary when I phoned her.
6 We always left school early on Fridays last year.
7 Where are you going on holiday this year?
8 At six o'clock yesterday my brother was training his team.
9 Are you studying French this year?

Dgkdtjclhvkyulvlu: Спасибо большое))))
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