Помогите СРОЧНО !!!Английский язык 5 класс



Ответ дал: StasyaKlim
A - Hello! Is it the British Culture call centre?

B - Yes, it is. You've made the right call. Thank you for calling. How can I help you?

A - Thanks, I'm interested in some information about the British Museum.

B - Yes, of course. You can ask me.

A - I would like to know, what are the opening hours of the museum?

B - Open hours are from 10:00 till 17:30 with exception of Friday. On Friday working hours are till 20:30. But I should tell you that some exhibitions can be closed in the evening. Also the museum doesn't work from the 24 up to the 26 of December and it is closed on Jenuary 1-st and on May 30-th.

A - Thank you very much for such detailed information. I've got one more question. How much does the ticket cost?

B - Oh, there is one thing the British Museum is famous for.

A - Really? What is it?

B - It has free admission.

A - Can't believe it! I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you very much!

B - You are welcome! Always happy to help!
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