Помогите срочно плжайлкста дою 30баллов


Zaxarias228: Быстрее
Zaxarias228: Только первый


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Ann's hair has washed. Now it is clean.
2 Tom has lost weight. Now he weights 70.
3 The car has run out of petrol.
4 Bill has broken his leg. Now he can't walk and his leg is in plaster.

Have you ever been to south America?
Have you read any English books?
Have you lived in this town all your life?
How many times have you been in love.
What's the most beautiful country have you ever visited.

1 I have never smoked.
2 He has never driven a car before.
3 I have just arrived.
4 Now Tom returned to England . He has been to Italy.
5 I have lost my keys. Can you help me find them?
Have you read Hamlet? No, I haven't. I haven't read play by Shakespeare.
How many times have you visited to the United States of America?

nuk18: Здравствуйте
nuk18: Сможете мне помочь пожалуйста с английским? Я могу добавить задание за баллы и вы посмотрите, может даж поможете )
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