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Present Simple
а) She (walk) with her dog every morning
2) The boy (not read schools books
3) What you (write) for me?
Past Simple
4) I (do) homework yesterday
5) They (not be) in hospital last week
6) You ( be) in America 11years ago ?
Future Simple
7) We (go) in Moscow tomorrow
8) She (not tell) this to me
9) He (draw) pictures next week


Ответ дал: Travka99
1. walks
2. doesn't read
3. do you write
4. I did 
5. didn't be
6. did you be
7. we will go
8. she wont tell
9. he will draw

lmiaca: Я надеюсь что вы правы) Спасибо
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 walks
2 doesn't read
3 do you write
4 did
5 weren’t
6 were you
7 will go
8 won’t tell
9 will draw
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