Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Past Indefinite. 1. I (see) Edward at the school party the other day. 2. He (meet) Victoria there and (fall) in love with her at first sight. 3. Yesterday I (be) on duty and (come) home from school lat er than usual. 4. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/ smoke) before. 5. The weather is nice today, but yesterday it impossible for him to win, but he (win) 8. I usually sleep well but last night I (not/sleep) at all. 9. It (take) me half an hour to get to the station. 10. When you (write) to your parents last time?


Ответ дал: nunny
1. I (saw) Edward at the school party the other day.
2. He (met) Victoria there and (fell) in love with her at first sight.
3. Yesterday I (was) on duty and (came) home from school lat er than usual.
4. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (did not/ smoke) before.
5. The weather is nice today, but yesterday it impossible for him to win, but he (won)
8. I usually sleep well but last night I (did not/sleep) at all.
9. It (took) me half an hour to get to the station.
10. When did you (write) to your parents last time?

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