Пожалуйста, помогите!(
Put the words in the correct order to make sentence.
1. always / She / challenge / enjoys / a /.

2. important / Making / is / James / money / very / to /.

3. often / They / speak / work / their / at / mind / .

4. good / skills / picking up / at / new / quickly / I'm /.

5. must / your / always / do / best / You /.

6. Dan / run / his / business / sister / a / and / fashion / .

7. you / to / want / be / Do / creative / ?

8. calm / It's / pressure / to / stay / under / difficult / .


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
She always enjoys a challenge.
Making money is very important to James.
They often speak their minds at work.
I’m good at picking up new skills quick.
You must always do your best.
Dan and his sister run a fashion business.
Do you want to be creative?
It’s difficult to stay calm under pressure.

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