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Ответ дал: saninakd
1)There is a glass on the table
There isn't a glass on the table
Is there a glass on the table?
2)There are two sandwiches in the lunch box
There aren't two sandwiches in the lunch box
Are there two sandwiches in the lunch box?
3)There are two shelfs in the bedroom
There aren't two shelfs in the bedroom
Are there two shelfs in the bedroom?
4)There are three boxes over there
There aren't three boxes over there
Are there three boxes over there?
5)There are four four dishes in the cupboard
There aren't four four dishes in the cupboard
Are there four four dishes in the cupboard
6)There is a mirror next to the sofa
There isn't a mirror next to the sofa
Is there a mirror next to the sofa?
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