5 предложений в present simple каждое предложение должно быть вопросительное,утвердительное, и отрицательное всего 15 предложений


Ответ дал: anhoaivu062005p7y7q6
I always eat my dinner after 7 o'clock.
I often sleep with my mom.
She usually do her homework at school.
He wake up at half past 6 every day.
They go to play at the supermarket every week.

He doesn't play sports every day.
She doesn't do her meals every week.
I don't usually buy clothes.
They don't often swim every month.
I don't run in the morning every day.

Do you often play with your friends?
Does he usually wear that vest?
How often do you travel with your parents?
Do you swim at the weekend?
Do they eat gum every day?
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