Open the brackets. Use the appropriate verb.
1. Pat's mother (to teach) students next month.
2. They (to visit) their granny last month
3. It (to rain) now.
4. We just (to do) these tasks.
5. We have never (to be) to England.
6. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past two, but she (to finish) it later
7. He (to watch) football at 4 o’clock every day.
8. The girls (wear) white dresses next week.
9. The grandmother (take) an umbrella with her 2 hours ago.
10. The teacher usually (show) us a lot of interesting things.
11. We (travel) abroad next summer.
12. They (follow) the same road in two days.
13. The boy never (tell) the truth.
14. We missed the afternoon train but we (leave) Moscow in the evening.
15. The postman usually (come) to the village in the afternoon .
16. When I (to meet) him in the street yesterday, he (to eat) a pie.
17. What he (to do) when you (to see) him yesterday?


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 will teach
2 visited
3 is raining
4 have just done
5 have never been
6 finished
7 watches
8 will wear
9 took
10 shows
11 will travel
12 will follow
13 tells
14 left
15 comes
16 met, was eating
17 what was he doing when you saw him yesterday?
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