Complete the following sentences: 1. I have been boiling some pork .... 2. She has been pouring tomato juice ... . 3. My sister has been frying onions .... 4. I have been making some chops ... .5. My grandmother has been buying some lemons, oranges ... .6. My younger sister has been having breakfast ... . 7. I have been translating this article about English meals ... .


Ответ дал: nunny
1. I have been boiling some pork for 15 minutes.
2. She has been pouring tomato juice for 15 minutes.
3. My sister has been frying onions for 15 minutes.
4. I have been making some chops  for 20 minutes.
5. My grandmother has been buying some lemons, oranges for an hour.
6. My younger sister has been having breakfast for 10 minutes.
7. I have been translating this article about English meals for two hours.
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