Пожалуста помогите составить предложение
1. More, There, to be , to leave,Nothing,Was,Done, we, and, had
2. Often, does, how, he ,magazines, read, English, and, newspapers, home at


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. There (was) nothing had to be done more and we had to leave.
2. How often does he read English magazines and newspapers at home?

gayane9: Спасибо большое
AripovZ: перевод нужен?
gayane9: Нет но Ещё есть упражнения .
gayane9: Поможете
gayane9: ??
Ответ дал: romikmnacakanyp809j5
1 there was nothing had to be done more and we had to leave 2 how often does he read English
Magazines and newspapers at home
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