Помогите пожалуйста!
Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.
1. She (work) at the clothes shop for two years.
2. I (not/be) to the new electronics shop yet.
3. You (finished) yet?
4. You (pack) all morning.
5. She (know) Jane for 5 years.
6. Mary (cook) dinner dor 2 hours now!
7. The dog (chew) on my shoes&
8. They (buy) a pet dog. It's cute!
9. They are wet. They (walk) in the rain.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
She has been working at the clothes shop for two years.
I haven't been to the new electronics shop yet.
Have you finished yet?
You have been packing all morning.
She has known Jane for 5 years.
Mary has been cooking dinner for 2 hours now.
They have bought a pet dog. It's cute!
They are wet. They have been walking in the rain.
Has the dog chewed my shoes?

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