Exercise 5. Revision. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. At the weekends I’m usually go to my hometown to see my family.
2. Are you enjoy the party?
3. We can’t walk to university because it rains.
4. How many classes you have on Monday?
5. I no understand what you’re saying.
6. What you do tomorrow night?
7. I’m loving Italian food. It’s wonderful!


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
At the weekends I usually go to my hometown to see my family.
Do you enjoy the party?
We can't walk to university because it is raining.
How many classes do you have on Monday?
I don't understand what are you saying.
What are you doing tomorrow night?
I love Italian food. It's wonderful!

Сердцебеение: Exercise 4. Revision. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the Present Simple or the Present
Catherine Bloomwood _____________ (come) from England. She _____________ (take) a
course on cakes and pralines with soft gelato at Carpigiani Gelato University in Bologna,
“I _____________ (enjoy) the course so much! Every day I _____________ (learn) lots of
new and interesting information! I _____________ (like) both my teachers and groupmates.
They are warm and friendly.
Сердцебеение: I _____________ (live) on a campus. It takes me five minutes to
walk to the city centre, where I can shop, or go to cafés and clubs. I often _____________
(play) sport here – football and tennis. I _____________ (think) of starting my own ice-cream
parlour when I finish the course. Maybe here in Italy. Who knows?”
Сердцебеение: помогите с этим,пожалуйста
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