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Ответ дал: lalaakhundova1
1. I will come home at 7 o’clock tomorrow
2. He will have a breakfast early in the morning
3. Will you work next month?
4. Children will go to the museum next Saturday
5. His brother will not be a driver.
6. Will they be home next Tuesday?
7. Where will the girls go tomorrow?
8. Will she be at school next week?
9. It will be warm
10. We will walk in the park tomorrow night
11. Will he go to the pool?
12. Next winter will be frosty
13. Where will they live?
14. We’ll be in the courtyard tomorrow afternoon
15. Who will her brother be next year? -He will be a teacher
16. What the weather will be tomorrow?
17. Will it be raining?
18. It will be hot in summer
19. We do not have milk. - you go and buy
20. Is the sister sick?- No. She will go to school tomorrow
21. You will help mom at home on the following Monday
22. We will not have lessons tomorrow
23. What will you do next week?
24. She will go to the movies. But, I will not go
25. It will be cool in June
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