Переводите данные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную
(Пж, срочно надо :) )

Variant I

1. “I want to go to India to study its culture,” she announced.

2. “Will you help me to translate the text?” she asked.

3. “I have never seen such a strange man before!” he exclaimed.

4. “What are you writing now?” they asked.

5. “Can you meet him at the station?” my classmate asked.

6. “When does the match begin?” my friend asked.

7. How long have you been waiting here?” she asked.

8. “I created a wonderful device last month,” the scientist reported.

9. “Correct your mistake by yourself,” my teacher told me.

10. “It has been raining since morning,” she said.


Ответ дал: masha0808vjz
She announced that she wants to go to India to study its culture.
She asked me to help translate the text.
he exclaimed that he has never seen such a strange man before
they asked me what i am writing now
my classmate asked me to meet him at the station
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