Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.When (be) the last time you....(tidy) your room?
2.They (go) to Malta last month.
3,Yesterday we (cut) the grass,then we (wash) the car.
4.When we (go) to Europe last year we (drive) through France and Italy.
5.They (not/play) my favourite song at the concert yesterday.
6.The last time I (have) a haircut was two weeks ago.
7.My sister (make) a beautiful cake yesterday and I (cook) dinner.
8.Sally (not/visit) her grandparents last Christmas,so she (write) them
a letter.
9.Yesterday we (take) the camera with us, but we (not/take) any pictures.


Ответ дал: Flight12
1 was, tidied
2 went
3 cut, washed
4 went, drove
5 didn't play
6 had
7 made, cooked
8 didn't visit, wrote
9 took, didn't take
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