Complete the dialogue and act it out (сделать описание себя)
What Do You Look Like?
X:Hello! I'd like to speak to ...
X:I'ts ... here. I have a letter and a little present for you from your friend Nick. Can we meet this afternoon? You know,I'm leaving for London tonight.
You: ...
X:Let's meet in the central square at 3 o'clock.Is it OK with you?
You: ...
X:What do you look like?
You: ...
And what do you look like?
X: ...
You: Very well.See you at 3 o'clock near the post office


Ответ дал: АЗПБ
1) Alina Miloserdo
2)Sam Jonson
3)Of course we can meet this afternoon
4)Yes it's ok
5)I have blonde curly hair. I've got glasses and I'm really short
6) I have short brown hairs.I'm well-built person.And i've got a tattoo
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