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I. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме и задайте по 1 общему и 2 специальных вопроса к каждому предложению.
1) James will go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday.
2) My friends will play football in the park tomorrow.


Ответ дал: tina345
.James won*t go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday.
 Will   James go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday?
Who will go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday.?
What James will go  with his little brother next Sunday.?

 My friends won*t play football in the park tomorrow.
Will  My friends  play football in the park tomorrow. ? When  My friends will play football in the park?Who will play football in the park tomorrow.?

eutyuxinigor: Спасибо
Ответ дал: kozatem
James will go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday.
James wont go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday.
Will James go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday?
Where James go 
with his little brother next Sunday?
Who go to the cinema with his little brother next Sunday?

My friends will play football in the park tomorrow.
My friends wont play football in the park tomorrow.
Will my friends play football in the park tomorrow?
What things are my friends will do in the park tomorrow?
Who will play football in the park tomorrow?
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