Помогите пожалуйста
Complete the sentences using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1. I________(not be) to the clothes shop yet
2. They_______(buy a cake for your birhday
3.I______(know) Ann for ten years
4. She _____(buy) a present for you
5. You_____(pack) all morning!
6.I________(be) shopping all day and I am very tried
7. She ______ (finish) buying presents now.
8. So far Jane____ (meet) two girls Ann and Tanya in the camp
9. she_____ (break) her leg. She has a cast
10.________ (you/put) your swimming trunks and a towel


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 haven't been
2 have bought
3 have known
4 has bought
5 have been packing
6 have been
7 has finished
8 has met
9 has broken
10 have you put..?

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