Write questions with can or could. Then write answers with can/can't or could / couldn't.
1) you/write essays when you were seven?
2) your parents/ speak English?
3) you/ watch TV until midnight when you were eight?
4) you/ ride a bicycle yet?
5) you/ play football when you were eight?
6) you/ choose which days you go to school?


Ответ дал: ksssenix
1) Could you write essays when you were seven? No, I couldn't write essays when I was seven.
2) Can your parents speak English? Yes, they can speak English.
3) Could you watch TV until midnight when you were eight? Yes, I could watch TV until midnight when I was eight.
4) Can you ride a bicycle yet? Yes, I can ride a bicycle.
5) Could you play football when you were eight? Yes, I could play football when I was eight.
6) Can you choose which days you go to school? No, I can't choose which days I go to school.

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