I'd like to visit__________
I have never been there/I have already been there and I liked it a lot.
I know that____________
There are _____________
I want to ______ there
I think I'll go there_______

Viktorias347: Пожалуйста помогите перевод не обязательно!!
Viktorias347: Как можно быстрее
HJVUJKLNH: короче я помог тебе смотри
HJVUJKLNH: правильно а если чё-то не так пиши


Ответ дал: HJVUJKLNH
d like to visit London. I have never been there. I know that London is the largest city in Europe and one of the most largest cities in the world. There are Buckingham Palace , The Tower of London , Big Ben. I wont to visit  the houses of Parliament  . I think I'll go there in next year.
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