Complete the sentences. Put the verbs into correct form.
Example: Listen! My sister...(sing) that beautifulsong again.
My sister is singing that beautuful song again.

1.My shool football team_____(win not) a competition last month
2.Peter is fond of sport. He____(play) football theree times a week.
3.This famous sportsman____(break) world records every year!
4.My little brother always____(go) to sleep on time when he was a shool boy.
5.Where are the children?-They____(play) Lotto in tne living room.
6.She____(read not) the newspaper tomorrow.
7.Motner____(write) the letter her sister yesterday.


Ответ дал: MaikelZero
1)My school football team didn't win a competition last month.
2)He plays football three times a week.
3)This famous sportsman breaks world records every year.
4)My little brother was going to sleep on 
5)They are playing Lotto in the living room.
6)Sho won't read the newspaper tomorrow.
7)Mother wrote the letter her sister yesterday.
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