Выбери и обведи соответствующие варианты в скобках,чтобы закончить предложение)СРРРРРРРРРООООЧЧНОООО!!!!Сдать надо через 8 минут
1) I (like\would like) winter very much. I know it is a snowy and cold season, but its my favourite.
2) I would like (some\any) porridge, please.3) Games says he (would like\likes) a cup of tea with milk.
4)Tom (walks\works) in the bank.5)The weather was nasty (than\then).6) Can I have (some\any) tea?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1) I like winter very much. I know it is a snowy and cold season, but its my favourite.

2) I would like some porridge, please.

3) James says he would like a cup of tea with milk.

4) Tom works in the bank.

5) The weather was nasty then.

6) Can I have some tea?

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