Exercise 2. Use the verbs in the right forms (Past Perfect Active or Passive), read and translate the sentences(Используйте глаголы в правильных формах (Past Perfect Active или Passive), прочитайте и переведите предложения):

1.During the middle and later years the writing of his novels did not occupy all his time. His early successes in writing {to gain) him ad­
mission into literary and fashionable society.

2.A talented actor, he threw himself into amateur theatrical performances in aid of charity. Most probably he (to earn) enough money to afford it.

3. The public readings of his works were very exhausting for Dickens and his friends believed they shortened his life. A lot of such read­ings (to arrange) in London.

4.All fifteen of his novels were first published as serials of monthly chapters. It was his publisher who (to recommend) him this form.

5.Every serial was to be published on the last day of the month. There­ fore the manuscripts (to deliver) to the publisher by the twentieth of
the month.

6. Sometimes his illustrator worked on a scene which (not to write) yet.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. During the middle and later years the writing of his novels did not occupy all his time. His early successes in writing had gained him ad­mission into literary and fashionable society.
2. A talented actor, he threw himself into amateur theatrical performances in aid of charity. Most probably he 
had earned enough money to afford it.
3. The public readings of his works were very exhausting for Dickens and his friends believed they shortened his life. A lot of such read­ings 
had been arranged in London.
4. All fifteen of his novels were first published as serials of monthly chapters. It was his publisher who 
had recommended him this form.
5. Every serial was to be published on the last day of the month. Therefore the manuscripts 
had been delivered to the publisher by the twentieth of
the month.
6. Sometimes his illustrator worked on a scene which
had not been written yet.
1. В середине жизни и в последующие годы написание его романов не занимало все его время. Его ранние успехи в литературе сделали его вхожим в литературное и высшее общество.
2. Талантливый актер, он бросился в любительские театральные представления, чтобы помочь благотворительности. Скорее всего, он заработал достаточно денег, чтобы позволить себе это.
3. Публичные чтения его произведений были очень утомительными для Диккенса, и его друзья полагали, что они сократили его жизнь. В Лондоне было организовано много таких чтений.
4. Все пятнадцать его романов были впервые опубликованы как серия ежемесячных глав. Это был именно его издатель, кто рекомендовал ему эту форму.
5. Каждая серия должна была быть опубликована в последний день месяца. Поэтому рукописи были доставлены издателю к 20-му числу
6. Иногда его иллюстратор работал над сценой, которая еще не была написана.

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