Помогите пожалуйста :Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.
1.What's that noise? That 's Tim. He... (practise) his dance routine for tomorrow' s competition.
2...(you /ever/see) a white Tiger? Yes. I... (see) one when l... (visit) the Berlin Zoo.
3.The Browns usually...(spend) their holidays at the seaside but last summer they... (decide) to visit the Himalayas.
4.A:... You ever... (be) in New York? B:.. No, l... never.. (be) there. I am not sure, but l hope l.. (go) there in few years.
5.A:Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I... (have) Pizza with double cheese, ham and mushrooms, and a glass of diet Coke.
6.A:Look at the cat! It... (fall) from the tree. B:Don't worry! I... (catch) it.
7.l...(read) his books when l was at school. I... (enjoy) them very much.
8.When Mary.. (run) down the hill she... (break) her left arm.
9.l usually... (go) to work by car.
10.Are you hungry?... you.... (want) somethings to eat?


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 what's that noise? That's Tom . He is practising his dance routine for tomorrow 's competition.
2 Have you ever seen a white tiger? Yes, I saw one when I visited the Berlin Zoo.
3 The Browns usually spend their holidays at the seaside but last summer they decided to visit the Himalayas
4 Have you ever been to New York? No, I have never been there. I am not sure , but I hope I will go there in few years.
5 Are you ready to order? Yes, I will have Pizza with double cheese , ham and mushrooms, and a glass of diet Coke.
6 Look at the cat ! It is going to fall from the tree. Don't worry! I will catch it.
7 I read his books when I was at school. I enjoyed them very much.
8 When Mary ran down the hill she broke her left arm.
9 I usually go to work by car.
10 Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?
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