Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:
1. The teacher gives us a lot of homework. 2. There is some water in the glass. 3. I have got much time. 4. There are few students in the class-room. 5. He has little money. 6. Many students know two of three foreign languages.

maria708p8cnjc: помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!


Ответ дал: katyamils
1) The teacher doesn't give us a lot of homework. Does the teacher give us a lot of homework?
2) There isn't any water in the glass. Is there any water in the glass?
3) I haven't got much time. Have you got much time?
4) There aren't few students in the classroom. Are there few students in the classroom?
5) He doesn't have any money. Does he have any money?
6) Many students don't know two or three foreign languages. Do many students know two or three foreign languages?
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