Помогите пожалуйста с V и VI



Ответ дал: kiriloki2018


1)If i am bully,i will tell my parents about it.

2)I will give you this book if you finish my literature essay.(Тут походу опечатка со словом (yesterday).Если я не прав,напишите мне пожайлуста на имейл([email protected]) я посмотрю,а то хз как.

3)If you is braver you will become a war correspondent/

4)If you folow the school rules you won't be expelled/

5)If you can predict natural disasters there won't(will not) be so many victims/


1)She used to like apples,now she prefers bananas/

2)I am used to going to bed late as i watch my favourite soap opera on TV/

3)Teenagers want to be independent and some parents cannot get used to it/

4)50 years ago people didnt use to have online on-line mass media/

5)Nowadays teenagers use PC's and laptops for communication/

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