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Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous.
2.I.........(finish) painting your room by the time you get home 4. Tom....... (write) his third novel by the end of this year5. By the time he arrives in London, John......... (drive) for five hours.6. This film .......(probably/not/finish) intil midnight7. How long.... (you/study) English by the end of this term? 8. Don't worry! You .....(forget) all about it by this time next year.9. By Friday I .....(work) on this project for two weeks.10. Hopefully, he......(cook) dinner for us by the time we get home.11.I.... (read) this book by tomorrow night. 12. He hopes he.............. (make) a million pounds by the time he is thirty.13. By 5 o'clock I ........(do) this crossword puzzle for three hours


Ответ дал: wantuta
1) will have finished
2) will have written
3)will have been driving
4)will not probably have finished
5) will you have been studing
6) will have forgotten
7) will have been working
8) will has cooked
9) will have read
10) will has made
11)will have been doing

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