Dear Darren, First of all, we are going to do a lot of sightseeing, We are going to see the Kremlin, Red Square, St Basil's Chruch, Lenin's Tomb, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and The State History Museum. Dad is also going to take us to the famous Bolshoi Ballet theatre. lsn't it wonderful? My sister wants to go on a day trip down the Moskva River but Dad says it's too tiring, so we are not going to travel there. That's OK though because we are going to spend a whole day in the Moscow Zoo,the largest zoo in Russia which has agreat collection of animals and exotic species. Помогите пожалуйста срочно надо текст переделать в прошедшем времени


Ответ дал: 1iusia
Dear Darren, First of all, we were went to did a lot of sightseeing, we were went to saw the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Church, Lenin's Tomb, the Pushkin Museum. Dad was also went to took us to the famous Bolshoi Ballet Theatre. Isn't it wonderful? My sister wanted to went on a day trip down the Moskva River but Dad said it was too tiring, so we weren't go to travelled there. That was OK, though because we were went to spend a whole day in the Moscow Zoo, the largest zoo in Russia which had a great collection of animals and exotic species.
в некоторых местах не уверенна, что правильно. но в целом все правильно.
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