1.Where are Rob and Ann? 2.Is Rob on the bench? 3.Is Ann by the bench? 4.Where is Rex and where is Tim? 5.Is the bench green? 6.Is the tree green? 7.Where is the bench? 8.Where are the birds?



Ответ дал: LollypopKolais
1. Rob and Ann in the park. 2. Yes, Bob on the bench. 3. Yes, Ann on the bench. 4. The dog Rex is under the bench and the dog Tim is near the bench.
5.No, it's black. 6.Yes, a tree is green. 7. The bench is near a big green tree.
8. Birds is high in the sky.

LollypopKolais: Прошу прощения, 3: No, Ann sitting on the bench.
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