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Ответ дал: dianaghazaryanowkx5p
2You mustn't go to bed at 9 o'clock.
3I don't like to wash my car myself.
4My friends aren't often late.
5It isn't cold.
6You  may not take my umbrella.
7The ice isn't thin.
8Tom doesn't make a lot of mistakes.
9I am not a doctor.
10She hasn't lots of English books.
11Bill and Barbie don't like playing the piano.
12They can't play the piano well.
13I don't understand him.
14He doesn't want to bea lorry driver.
15My Daddy hasn't dinner at home.
16He isn't from the USA.
17They aren't asleep.
18You can't read the newspaper at supper.
19We don't often walk in the fields.
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