Втавьте прилагательные. Используйте сравнительную или превосходную степень, переведите предложения. It is (happy) day of my life. The twenty-second of December is (short) day in a year. The Neva is (deep) than the Moskva river. It is (cold) day of the year. The room is (small) of all the rooms in the house. My rhymes are (bad) than yours. Our school is (old) in our town. This dictation is (easy) than that one. Moscow is (large) city in Russia. She is (tall) than her sister. He is (tall) boy in our class.


Ответ дал: lyudmilakuznec1
1.the happiest  2. the shortest 3. deeper 4. the coldest 5. the smallest 6.worse 7. the oldest 8. easier 9. the largest 10. taller  11. the tallest
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