Здравствуйте, помогите пожалуйста с английским, нужно вместо пропусков вставить слова или артикли.
1. Many teenagers want to be _ and decide what to do for themselves
a) important b) intelligent c) independent
2. Look at this amazing dress! It's the _ fashion
a) latest b) latter c) last
3. You want master the language _ you lern its grammar
a) if b) unless c) when
4. The travellers _ the fire to warm themselves
a) made b) elder c) old
5. I think Peter is four years _ than me
a) older b) elder c) old
6. George usually _ his weekends with his granny
a) has spend b) is spending c) spends
7. I'm trired because I _ up very early today.
a) get b) have got c) got
8. We always meet on sunday. Next Sunday we _ again
a) meet b) will meet c) will have met
9. Father _ the house before the children get home from school
a) will leave b) will have left c) is leaving
10. It's a great idea to _ dinner for out parents.
a) make b) made c) do

11. I have just brought a very good new _
a) dictonary b) vocabulary
12. Please remember this _ rule
a) gold b) golden
13. Here are two cards with words, take _ of them
a) Either b) any c) some
14. Hurry up. The water is _ the sink
a) running over b) running down c) running out
15. I can't _ my dislike of frogs
a) set over b) get along c) turn over
16. We _ if they _ the game
a) was win, draws b) will win draw c) would win, draw
Большое спасибо. Если что-то непонятно спрашивайте, а то я мог допустить ошибку


Ответ дал: nunny
1. c) independent
2. a) latest
3. b) unless
4. a) made
5. a) older
6. c) spends
7. c) got
8. b) will meet
9. b) will have left
a) make
11. a) dictonary
12. b) golden
13. a) Either
14. a) running over
15. a) get over
16. b) will win, draw

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