Заполни пропуски в предложениях глаголами ,данными в скобках ,в соответствующих формах
1.Look,I (do) ________-my homework.-Is it really finished.
How long (it,take)______ you this time?
2.(You,speak)______with Kate yet?Do you think she will go to the cinema with us if we(invite)_____her?
3.My dad (have )___this car for a long time.I think,he (buy)_____it ten years ago.
4.Nick (finish)____reading the story just now.—And what (he,do)____now?—A minute ago he (think)____ about what to read next.
5.Rose (be)____ in love with Jerry since they (meet)____at a school party.
6.Tommy (play)___basketball for many years,now he’s one of the best players.

Помогите пожалуйста!!!


Ответ дал: Katemarin
1.i am doing
2. Have you spoke, will invite
3. Have had, bought
4. Is he doing
5. Was., met
6. Has played или plays
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