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Ответ дал: Аноним
1. Nellie will leave. 2.1 am, my friends are waiting. 3. You were, did you like, I enjoyed. 4. Will you go. 5. I know, she has, she will live. 6. They didn"t know. 7. She is worrying, the problems are not. 8. He was, had. 9. Am I going. 10. Various kinds of sports are. 11. Both children and grown-ups are. 12. What is the matter, she is, I do not know. 13. Where are you going, I am going, which will take. 14. Do you know, a very interesting match took. 15. He went. 16.1 was, I enjoyed. 17. Our football team won. 18. Where is Boris, he is playing. 19. I am, I missed, I know, it is.
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