Задание № 1. Закончи предложения, вставив в них недостающие предлоги из рамочки. in (4), on (2), with (1), to (2), by (2), under (1), at (2) 1) I can see a big house _____________ the lake. 2) The sun ______________ the sky is bright yellow. 3) Sit down ______________ this green tree. 4) We like to run and play _________________ the lake. 5) The cups and plates are _________________ the table. 6) We don’t go to school _________________ summer. 7) My father goes to bed _________________ 11 o’clock. 8) I can see a white bird _________________ the clear blue sky. 9) Her birthday is ________________ July. 10) I like to play _________________ my friends _________________ home. 11) Sam goes __________________ school, he is a pupil. 12) I like to go ___________________ the cinema with my parents. 13) Emily plays with birds _________________ Monday


Ответ дал: savan82
1) by  2)in  3) under  4) by     5)on   6)in   7) at    8) in  9)in  10)with          at
11)to     12)to      13)on
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